An excuse to write.
Is this supposed to scare smokers into quitting? I found this poster posted near the CR of our floor at TGU Tower. There's another one similar to it near the smoking balcony. If the photo isn't clear enough, it shows a grotesque, almost monstrously deformed image of a naked male human, with various afflictions that plague a smoker. I really am having ...
I can walk into a Chowking Branch at JY Square, I won't even look at the cashier, and magically, a few seconds later, she dictates what I want to order, and I give the amount and I get my number and my receipt a few seconds after that. What happened? Was I able to telepathically communicate my thoughts to the cashier? Or was the cashier telepathic? Or we were both? Or was it a wild guess with fortunate results? None of the above. It's simple. I've been ordering the SAME thing in the ...
Updated 03-12-2010 at 01:38 PM by rodsky
If there's been one thing about me that has stayed true since I was a kid, it's the fact that I tend to dislike food and meals. People who understand this, and who have known me for some time, can perhaps comprehend me as a person better--i.e. why I dislike crowds, and "barkadas"--it's more or less linked to my general dislike for the concept of eating. It perhaps also explains why I haven't been heavier than 104 pounds all my life. Ok so now to the reasons why I dislike ...
I thought about this idea for a movie script, after watching Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds". I really enjoyed Waltz's performance as a vicious, brutal, but keen, super-intelligent and often humorous SS "Jew Hunter". We all are led to believe (by Tarantino's script), that this Hans Landa character is merely a sketch of the typical Nazi SS officer. But that made me think long and hard. ...
I woke up at around 5:30 AM today, but immediately went back to sleep because I spent an extra few hours into the night babysitting our 'bot, and could come in late for work. (I originally wrote a lot of stuff in this part, but I've opted to delete them, with the concern that the readers of this note, the ones who believe they know me well to a certain extent, would actually figure out how dismal my living conditions are, and how I'm still so far from achieving a reasonable level ...
Updated 02-09-2010 at 06:15 PM by rodsky
It seems that, as of late, the more I learn about the world, the less I want to talk and share about it with people. Why? I really don't know. Perhaps it's because, in my process of understanding and learning about things, I realized that some processes are much much more complex than I previously thought. I then think "If it took a large amount of time and effort on my part to understand ...
Updated 02-07-2010 at 03:02 PM by rodsky
Back in the days of my youth in MSU, Marawi, my family would sit round the dinner table, and while having lunch or supper, we would engage in all sorts of talk, from the trivial to the philosophical, from the mundane to the esoteric. I have to say that, apart from formal schooling, I learned most of what I know, from Aardvarks to Zygotes, while enjoying a simple supper of Sinangag, chorizo, or bulad, as my parents mediated over the discussions. Occasionally (or perhaps I should say, ...
Updated 12-06-2009 at 02:32 PM by rodsky