An excuse to write.
I'm a liar and a cheat. For this, I lost someone important to me. This statement has no didactic nor cathartic implication--it's just a statement of fact, and I hope I learn something from it while bearing the pain of loss. -RODION
Everyone has probably seen a photograph like this: At first glance, we tend to ask some obvious questions. These questions we ask can be considered as quests for meaning. What does this image mean? Did the man shrink? Did the bottle grow in size? Is it a miniature scale model person? Or is it a fake gigantic bottle? The answer doesn't come immediately into our heads because we are ...
Updated 02-25-2012 at 09:43 AM by rodsky
I was in Facebook when a friend told me that she saw the planet Venus above the crescent moon. I realized I totally forgot that May 16, 2010 was the schedule of the occultation of the Planet Venus by the crescent moon. So I hurried back to my boarding house to get my tripod. I then asked permission from the TGU Tower building security office if I could go up the rooftop, but they said I needed a permit for that, so I had no choice but to find ANY location that faced westwards. ...
Updated 05-17-2010 at 12:10 PM by rodsky
I had a funny accident enroute to work. I was riding front seat on a 17C jeepney towards IT Park, when I noticed that the door was kinda loose. So, instinctively, I sort of held on tighter to the door... When the jeepney made the left hand turn to enter IT park...the door suddenly SWUNG OUT! And with me still clinging on it! ...
Updated 04-15-2010 at 02:31 PM by rodsky
My girlfriend and I spent our evening watching an old film called "The Bridges of Madison County", based on a novel of the same name. It starred Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep, and was directed by Clint Eastwood. I was able to view this this film several years ago on the big screen. My GF hadn't seen it yet, and since my recollections of the film were just blurry spots in my mind, I felt it was a good time to watch it once again with her. I won't go over the details of ...
Updated 04-07-2010 at 09:33 AM by rodsky
No, this is not a review of SAW VIII or some other cheapo horror/gore flick. If there's an apt description of what I feel at the moment--I feel as if I just lost a limb (or two). To one comes the realization that yes, the pain will be there for a while, and you do know it will eventually heal, but there will always be a ghostly sensation, and a distant sadness, memories and sensations of where that limb used to be, and what it was capable of doing, and what it could feel. It will ...
I felt today. So I decided to write my blog in After all, they say pictures are worth a words. So basically, what I wanted to say was, I feel really ...
Updated 03-23-2010 at 04:21 PM by rodsky