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  1. Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

    Everybody wants to be THAT GIRL. That girl who's pretty, sexy, sweet, charming and just what every guy would like. Because someone or a situation made her feel that way. To all the girls who feels this way, remember Bruno Mars said you're beautiful just the way you are, what John Legend said love your curves and all your edges and let's not forget what Lady Gaga said I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes." ...
  2. I Don't Need Our Love To Be Easy, I Just Need It To Be Worth It

    I am not one of those girls who believes in a fairy-tale romance. I know there's no Prince Charming coming to sweep me off my feet and ride off into the sunset with for our happily ever after.

    This is real life, and real relationships take work. I'm fine with putting in that effort, but only if in the end it's the real deal.

    We are human, and no humans are perfect. I know neither of us will be the best partner at every single second, and I'm totally okay with that. ...

    Updated 04-29-2017 at 09:36 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  3. Love Finds Us When We Least Expect It

    I tried out love before, and like many other times, I lost it. I gave myself room to grieve and gave my heart time to recover. And then the moment came where I fortified walls that were built up way high, even froze my heart because I had been afraid of how many more times I would get hurt again.

    But see the day came where you were the cradle to my life. You showed me unconditional love like I had never been shown before. Eventually, I have let myself love again. I decided to open ...

    Updated 03-14-2017 at 07:43 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  4. Dos and don’ts in the Year of the Rooster

    Marites Allen, the first and only Filipino woman to date with the title of “Master in Feng Shui” from the International Feng Shui Association, has tips to welcome the Fire Rooster in one’s home. Chinese New Year is on Jan. 28.


    • Clean and de-clutter your home before Saturday.
      This cleansing ritual removes all stale and negative energies and indicates a fresh start accompanied by good luck and prosperity. It is important to do this before the Chinese New
  5. It's Time You Forgive Yourself For The Things You Got Wrong in 2016

    It's time to exhale.

    After all, it has been a long year. And we've had our breaths baited for too much of it. So take a moment. Get comfortable. Sink into yourself. And allow yourself permission to let go. Uncurl your fingers. Slow your breath. Loosen your grasp on the anger you've held onto, and forgive yourself for what you didn't get right this year.

    • Forgive yourself for trusting the wrong person. You couldn't have predicted the future and you owed it to yourself

    Updated 12-25-2016 at 06:39 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  6. You can't force someone to be with you

    Here's the truth...

    Being pretty doesn't keep a man. Being honest doesn't keep a man. Being loyal doesn't keep a man. Treating a man good doesn't keep a man. Being there for a man doesn't keep a man.

    Caring about a man doesn't keep a man. Making an effort doesn't keep a man. Paying attention to a man doesn't keep a man. Spending time with a man doesn't keep a man.

    You could have the best intentions, you could have the most sincere feelings, and you could ...

    Updated 12-23-2016 at 03:28 AM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts , Love
  7. It's Okay To Give Up On What (Or Whom) You Thought You Wanted

    Life has trained you to push yourself as far as you can to realize your dreams, but sometimes, things don't work out the way you planned them. Emotions rise, morale drops, and as much as you want to try, you learn that there are certain walls that you can't break and mountains that you can't scale; it's then that your gut tells you that the best course of action is to give up and let go.

    In a competitive society, giving up is often seen as a lack of perseverance, or something to ...

    Updated 12-06-2016 at 03:58 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
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