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  1. To the girl who needs reassurance

    Relationships take a lot of work, but when I found you - the one that opened my eyes, opened my heart, and opened a door to a whole new world full of possibilities without limitations; everything with you and this relationship seemed to just come naturally and everything fell right into place. But why do I still need that extra dose of reassurance?

    This type of reassurance doesn't mean I don't trust you, believe in you, or think things will forever be the same. But rather, this reassurance ...
  2. In a world full of INFIDELITY be the LOYAL one.

    In this world full of infidelity, it's really hard to find someone who can be loyal even if you're not with them, even you don't see what they're doing. A faithful partner is rare nowadays, but when you have found someone who can give the whole world to you, never let the person go.

    Someone who can sacrifice and give up everything for you. Someone who is still there despite of your bad attitude. Someone who accepts your flaws. Someone who is there no matter what happens. Someone who'll ...

    Updated 10-11-2016 at 05:24 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  3. To The Guy Who Made Me Feel Good Again

    Timing really is a funny thing, isn't it? Good things always happen when you least expect them. Sometimes, you don't realize something good even when it's right in front of you. I remember being such a mess when we first met. I was lost, confused, heartbroken, and damaged. You somewhat helped me make sense of everything that had happened in the past.

    You kept believing in me, you just wanted me to be okay. You wanted me to be happy again because you saw how much pain I was in. ...

    Updated 10-07-2016 at 10:27 AM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts , Love
  4. Your Second Love Is More Important Than The First

    People have always told me that first loves are the most important loves out there. I have read articles about it, heard songs, seen poetry. They portray it to be the best love, romanticizing it to make it seem better than it really is. You see, when we are young we all want to meet someone and fall in love. Thats how all of the fairy tales end, am I right? You meet a boy, fall in love, the end. However, it is not as easy as that.

    [Side note: If you are still with your first love, ...
  5. You're the Woman of Someone's Dreams

    "Every girl deserves a guy
    that can make her heart forget
    why it was ever broken."
    I can remember the months before I met the man that I love, that I was crying on the couch sulking in sadness as to why I was never a priority to the man who came before him.

    I remember being in a crowd full of people and still feel being alone. I remember feeling less of myself because of one man's lack of attention. I remember that sadness and I sure as hell will ...

    Updated 08-24-2016 at 11:54 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  6. When You Stop Looking For Love It Just Magically Appears

    Love is a curious thing and most people are looking for it. Women seem to be especially susceptible to feeling the need to find someone to be with. The neediness and desperation of people often shows through their vulnerability for love. There is just one problem: neediness and desperation are not attractive. Stop evaluating everyone as the potential "One".

    People say you find what you're looking for when you stop looking. This is true fundamentally because looking allows ...

    Updated 08-21-2016 at 10:35 PM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  7. What I Gained From Losing You

    While we were together, I was convinced that the world was at my fingertips, that I have everything—that you and I, as partners, would raise to new heights.

    But this was nothing more than an illusion. I was impressionable and truly believed you had my best interest in mind. You and I stood in the middle of a dense fog—unable to see beyond each other. Not knowing what was on the other side of the mist piqued my curiosity. I wanted to wander through uncharted territory, but my feet ...

    Updated 08-20-2016 at 08:03 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
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