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Beauty & Skin Care

  1. 8 Ways To Keep Wrinkles At Bay

    Drinking green tea is one way to help you look ageless and radiant naturally

    There's nothing like your first few wrinkles to announce to the world that you're coming on in age. Some people wear them like a badge of honor, but unlike distinguished gray hair, there's hardly anything attractive about the process of slowly resembling a prune.

    With these simple skin care tips, plus smart diet and lifestyle choices, you can fight the onslaught of wrinkles in a natural, non-invasive ...
  2. Foods That Fight Wrinkles

    9 Home Remedies for Wrinkles!
    Are you spending too much money on expensive wrinkle creams that don't even work? Stop! Cure blemishes and fine lines with ingredients sitting right in your own pantry!

    Egg Whites
    This light breakfast food contains B-complex vitamins that can help tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. For a quick facial before a night on the town, beat 2 egg whites together, apply a dab under each eyelid, massage and let sit for 30 minutes. ...
    Beauty & Skin Care , Health
  3. 15 new uses for tea

    I get through the sleepless days of being a stay-at-home dad, freelance writer, and DIY remodeler with copious quantities of tea. I drink Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder tea in a big beer stein, which I believe to be quite manly.

    I also hate to throw out anything I could reuse or recycle. So I scoured the Internet to find uses for used tea bags and tea, other than the primary functions of keeping me hydrated and awake. With thanks to “Reader’s Digest” and “Mental Floss” magazines, ...
  4. Foods That Boost Your Confidence

    We all know that the sight of chocolate can make our hearts go pitter-patter. Or that the thought of a scoop of gelato can put a smile on our faces. But can certain foods actually give your self-esteem a boost? According to a study, the answer is yes!

    Researchers in McGill University in Montreal, Canada, found that food containing the amino acid tryptophan makes people more confident. Volunteers in the study who were given three grammes of tryptophan supplements said they felt more ...
  5. Seven Tips for Younger-Looking Eyes

    If our eyes are the windows to our soul, then we certainly want to make sure that they look sensational, not tired, lined, or puffy.

    So many women have given up on their eyes. They’ve stopped wearing eye shadow, their mascara is non-existent, and they hide behind glasses just hoping that no one will notice that they’re not quite put together.

    Sagging eyes, puffy eyes, lined eyes, tired eyes and crow’s feet, under eye bags, and dark circles tell the world that you have ...
    Beauty & Skin Care , Health
  6. 14 Frugal but Fabulous Beauty Tips

    Just because you’re trying to cut back doesn’t mean you want to stop looking good! The salon and spa budget may be the first to go, but there are still many very inexpensive ways to look your best.

    Drink water and tea. Want to improve your skin? Forget expensive lotions and serums, just hydrate! It will help your skin look healthy and clear. Tea is another great option because of its antioxidants.

    Exercise. When you get your blood pumping, it brings oxygen and nutrients ...
    Beauty & Skin Care
  7. 5 Beauty Beliefs: Fact or Fiction?

    Fact or fiction? Cucumbers will help de-puff your eyes.
    Fact. Eye puffiness can be genetic, but there are definitely things you can do to reduce darkness and those puffy bags we loathe! Cucumbers can do the trick — and so can anything that's cold and can be easily applied to your eyes. The coldness restricts blood vessels which reduces swelling and puffiness. Just make sure to limit the application to about five minutes for optimal results.

    Fact or fiction? Sharing makeup with ...
    Beauty & Skin Care , Health
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