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Gracie's thoughts

  1. When You Stop Looking For Love It Just Magically Appears

    Love is a curious thing and most people are looking for it. Women seem to be especially susceptible to feeling the need to find someone to be with. The neediness and desperation of people often shows through their vulnerability for love. There is just one problem: neediness and desperation are not attractive. Stop evaluating everyone as the potential "One".

    People say you find what you're looking for when you stop looking. This is true fundamentally because looking allows ...

    Updated 08-21-2016 at 10:35 PM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts , Love
  2. What I Gained From Losing You

    While we were together, I was convinced that the world was at my fingertips, that I have everything—that you and I, as partners, would raise to new heights.

    But this was nothing more than an illusion. I was impressionable and truly believed you had my best interest in mind. You and I stood in the middle of a dense fog—unable to see beyond each other. Not knowing what was on the other side of the mist piqued my curiosity. I wanted to wander through uncharted territory, but my feet ...

    Updated 08-20-2016 at 08:03 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  3. Love is Something You Never Plan

    You can't plan love like you can plan the next food you eat, or your next vacation spot.

    You can't plan when you fall in love, or when you get heartbroken.
    Love is not something that you can see coming. It could be right in front of you, or you could be looking in the wrong direction. Maybe you think you already have found it, but five, six, seven, eight or maybe ten years from now you'll realize it wasn't true.

    You can't decide to fall in love.
    You can't ...

    Updated 08-19-2016 at 02:16 PM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts
  4. How can you unlove someone?

    You might not be able to choose who you love, but you can choose your thoughts and your behavior about it.

    Accept the way you feel. If you fight or suppress your feelings, you'll feel conflicted. So if you love someone, then let it be so. Love freely, and want what is best for him or her, whether or not you are part of that.

    It is not your love that is the problem - it is your expectation of what you will receive in return. It's your longing that is hurting you, not ...
  5. For I thought I had already given up on "love"...

    "They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you loose like a wildfire and you can’t stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch! I say that’s a good love; one that burns and flies, and you run with it!"
    You don't choose ...

    Updated 08-08-2016 at 03:17 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  6. To the Man I Love

    Finally I have met you. We may be thousands of miles away right now. But it doesn't matter because today, I am one day closer.

    You should also understand that I have flaws that took me years to love. I don't know if you'll learn to love them, but I hope you do. My hair doesn't stay in place most of the time, it always messily falls on my face. I don't have the prettiest hand to hold, or the brightest eyes to look at. I am also not attractive when I am fast asleep. But who knows? Maybe ...

    Updated 08-06-2016 at 10:34 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  7. To the Girl Who Needs to Remember She's More Than Enough

    The most important thing I want you to take away from this is that you are most definitely, without a doubt good enough. I need you to remember there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

    I know there is a good chance you are rolling your eyes at that statement, you may be muttering to yourself, "yeah right" or "whatever" but mutter away cause it's true.

    It's tough being the girl who cares too much. The girl who would do anything for those she cares ...
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