What business can you recommend?
, 12-22-2009 at 01:41 AM (13599 Views)
What business can you recommend? - this is the question I received from a chat message from one of my online friends in facebook. I recalled this conversation as I listen to Brian Tracy, he mentioned that if you want to be a good salesman, you must read books on selling at least 30 minutes per day every morning. Same way with business, most people thinks that doing business is like having sari-sari store. Doing business needs personal preparation.
Well, you can do business if you want but don't expect it to be successful if you don't have the knowledge, experience and someone who are successful in business to mentor you. And if you want to be financially free, being the right person at the right time and opportunity are important.
We are creatures of habits. If you are in the habit of not doing business, your mindset and emotion are not conditioned for doing business. To prepare yourself in the business world, the best preparation you will do are:
Read at least 30 minutes per day about business
Find business mentors who are successful businessman
Grow yourself first by being financially educated
Do business under the guidance of a business coach
Remember that "Money follows your growth" - David Jereos, Create Abundance 2020? Business Community - "A community dedicated to creating a world that works for all"