Instant Chatmate
, 03-24-2012 at 01:11 AM (2166 Views)
Big minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people. How about the minds that talk to Simsimi?
I've seen the notifications all over Facebook. They swarm like flies on a dead rat's carcass. I bet you're a lot familiar already of that application bearing the fat version of Tweety Bird (as it claims to be).
Like a human endowed with the gift of speech, this organism (I think it really is, like some amoeba that just grows somewhere, ready to spread out its monstrosity on anyone), is a polyglot, speaking almost all the known languages (even the alien-sounding ones) there are and is even better sounding than the those who apply in short courses in language acquisition.
Named as Simsimi, this artificial intelligence conversation program is taking not only Facebook but the whole world by storm. It could talk back to you, depending on how you converse with it. Whenever I browse through the posts on Fb, I sometimes get caught with the rather nonsense replies of this app. Just today, I tried it and I had a great time myself. Just for the fun of it, I trash talked Simsimi and it did trash talk me back. When I tried to be nice, it showered me with a lot of blandishment (although most of them were random and unreal). I also learned you could teach it any language you want. It is just amusing how it could talk to you back in the language that you input.
I wonder who came up with this application. It must have been someone who is desperate for conversations (like me). It's not literally a soliloquy so one could not be misunderstood as going nuts. It just contains preset language that sometimes catches one off guard. The time it takes to respond is faster than those regular chatters in the chat box. It has very amusing and witty remarks that makes you want to talk to it some more. Small wonder that even most of my friends find it stimulating to talk to Simsimi than their parents.
Wonder what's perking up the psyche of the generation these days. An irony of sorts, with social media made accessible to the public, most still resort to talking nonsense with an application named Simsimi.