Yuletide Memories
, 02-13-2011 at 05:12 PM (3045 Views)
Christmas is once again, just around the corner and I’m feeling the Christmas Spirit in every bone in my body(it used to be my Ate Fionna’s role to be the epitome of the Christmas Spirit and whilst I, you can consider as the ever greenish GRINCH)!
It all started with my mom telling me to take out the Christmas Tree and start decorating it.So lo and behold, with the househelps aide(DARN IT,I’ll tell the truth…she did all the work!)and tons of dead termites later, we finally did clean and put up the said tree.
After much consideration and advice from the experts(by experts, I meant the HUMONGOUS and really nice Christmas Trees at SM and Ayala), my mom and I finally decided on this years color theme: RED! With much gusto(HELLO SHOPPING!), we scoured the malls to find the said decors.
At home, everybody was so excited about decorating the house. So being the leader and the head decorator(AHEM!), I enlisted the aid of my younger brother and sister and my cousins…(don’t you just love being in command?)LOL! and viola!WE DID IT! We had Christmas in every nook and cranny of the house!
As it is, Christmas brings a lot of childhood memories. TWO of which takes majority of all the said memories:
FIRST, when I was a kid, my whole family would go to the mall and do A LOT of grocery shopping(like 5 or more cartloads full of rice, noodles, canned goods, ham and some sweets) so that we can give it to all his workers on all his construction sites. When we got home, it was really fun helping pack all those stuff in white plastic bags and storing them inside the car so that it can be distributed the next day. I have the BEST PARENTS in the world! Little did I know that during that time, in their own little way they were the soldiers of dear old Santa Claus! For me, my parents; hearts are so big, they have instilled in us, their children the ART OF GIVING.
SECOND, there was this one Christmas when all the cousins(both mom and dad’s side) to have a show in honor of our grandparents…a little stage was set up in the garage, the boombox was placed at the side and oh boy, the lights!Most of the lights were blue(if i remember them correctly). The older ones, Kuya Vincent, Kuya Dennis and Kuya Jep did a dance thingy where I think they were ALIENS or something! They covered half of their bodies in a big brown paper bag and danced. I cant recall what the others did but I DO REMEMBER what our group, the GREMLINS(our group as coined by Ate Jen) did!
We donned our grass skirts, put on Lei’s on our heads, wrists and necks and danced to the tune of Tiny Bubbles!LMAO! And yes, I was at the front row and dancing my heart away and the cousins were following my lead!
Christmas in out family used to be fun, chaotic and noisy! But sadly, most of the family and relatives aren’t here anymore…Hope we can do those stuffs again!